The Peace Of Love

      The sweet smile, the fragrance, the warm touch, the lively presence of the beloved can fill the world of the lover with immense peace, comfort and contentment. The joy and tranquility of his heart become clearly evident in the expression of the lover’s face.

   Here’s a way to say that true love never dies. Rather than a happy ending or a sad ending, when it’s true love there’s never an ending at all. It endures all things and lasts forever. When you think of love as an energy, and then remember that energy cannot be created or destroyed, you’re really tapping into an endless source. That’s how love can carry on through the ages, even past our physical lifetimes and into the hereafter. It’s the sort of thing that they write fairy tales about, but it’s real and can be had by anyone that chooses to open themselves up to true love.

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