Missing SMS

Never Thought...
it would be so hard
staying away from U
i keep thinking of 'us'
Together again!
I Miss U!

I am not sure what life could bring I am not sure if dreams come true i m not sure what love can do but i m very sure about one thing "I Miss U"

the best feeling in d world is ven u think dat ur frnd forgot u & suddenly u receive a message from ur frnd saying - I just missed you!

They taught me that one hours equals 60 minutes and that one minute equals 60 seconds, but they never told me that one second without you can last for ever

Will u smile if I ask u to? Will u come if I call u? Will u understand if i m unable to express? Will u add a "TOO" if i say I MISS U?

Ths msg is from hum 2 Tum That HUM is Missing TUM vry much n Widout Tm Hum is vry Lonely So TUM never go Far frm HUM otherwise HUM will mis TUM a l0t.

Our life is long Time..!
We meet for short Time..!
You will be in my heart at any Time..!
My Sweet friend..!
I'm missing U dis time

I just want to grab you then hug you & tell you I've missed you.

when the looks blue
when the dreams come true
when the flowers covered with dew
when the day comes new

Make me whole again in oneness.
I just want to be close to you.
I miss your touch and your kiss.
I miss our fun times together.
I miss our quiet talks.
I simply miss you!

I may not say it always sweety- but your absence makes me miss you so high. Love you always!

There's this place in me where your finger prints still rest.
Your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo.
It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me!

People live, people die;
People laugh, people cry;
Some give up, some will try;
Some say Hi, some say Bye;
Others may forget you but never will I!

Knowing a sweet person like U, has made me happy in a thousand ways;
And if ever I have to let U go, I'll find a thousand reasons to make U stay.
I Miss You at all times!

Small things that mean a lot: sweet sms, tight hugs, holding hands,
romantic conversations over the phone, fun times, quiet talks,
remembering the little things Missing you a lot...

I wanna wrap you up;
I wanna kiss your lips;
I wanna make you feel wanted;
I wanna call you mine;
I wanna hold you forever.

Out of the 24 hours of the Day.
8 hours are for working;
8 hours for sleeping;
1 hour for eating;
1 hour for exercise;
And 6 hours for other activities.
But all the 24 hours, I miss you at all times!

Miles and smiles are made from the same letters but a smile on your face keeps me happy even though I am miles away from you.
Miss you, honey!

I miss you.
Every Moment. Every second. Every minute. Every hour. Every day. Every Week. Every Month. Every Year. Every Decade.
Every Centenary. Oh ho! I think I got carried away.
The truth is I miss you all the time!

I have learnt:
How to love, kiss and care for you;
How to be happy, wise and contented;
How to be strong, honest and faithful;
How to forgive, forget and make up;
But I could never learn as to how to stop missing you!

Messaging is fine;
Calling is okay;
But being with you is the best I Feel.
Missing you Too Much Sweety!

I heard someone whisper your cute name, but when I turned around to see who it was, I noticed I was alone. Then I guessed, it was my heart telling me that I miss you!

If I never met you, I wouldn't like you.
If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you.
But I did, I do, and I will.

Some songs can make you cry;
When you hear them;
Actually, it is not the songs;
It's the people behind the memories.

The most elastic element of the world is TIME.
It maximizes the minutes when we are missing someone special;
And minimises the hours when we are with someone special.
Missing you!

I miss my childhood;
I miss my school Days.
I miss my school friends;
I miss those beautiful vacation;
I miss golden moments of my Life
But most of all, I miss you Darling!

One of the best feeling in the world is knowing your presence and absence both mean something to someone!
Miss you, Babe!

With you around:
I smile a little more often;
I get angry a lot less times;
The sun shines a little brighter;
And life is a lot sweeter!
I cherish your companionship and I miss you!

1ly 1 Look.
1ly 1 Smile..
1ly 1 Voice...
1ly 1 Tuch....
1ly 1 Feeling.....
1ly 1 U......
1ly 1 My Small Heart Says I MISS U.......

1 rose means I LOVE YOU
1 ring means I MARRY U..
1 smile means I LIKE YOU..
1 SMS From me

Never say go far from me, which pains more than leaving you... miss you

wen time is fast
wen moments r hard
wen ever1 is busy
wen seconds r few
my sms comes 2 say 1 word
miss u dear

 <) I (> 
 Miss you much.......

those we love never go away
they walk beside us every day...
still near..
still loved..
still Missed..
still very dear..

When daylight turns to a darkened hue,
The lovely stars hinting at u,
ur heart beat tells u something true,
That some 1 badly missing you

I MISS YOU in every beat of heart,
In every blink of my eyes,
In every second of Time and...
In every moment of the Day!

It’s hard to say hello because it might be goodbye. It’s hard to say I’m okay because sometimes I’m not. But it’s easy to say I miss you coz I know that I really do.

Every tear is a sign of commitment
Every silence is a sign of compromise
Every smile is a sign of attachment
Every sms is a sign of remembrance
Miss you

I MIS U r 3 words
bt take 3 sec 2 read
3 mins 2 think
3 hrs 2 undrstand
3 days 2 demonstrate
3 weeks 2 explain
n d whole life 2 prove it.

I Never Expect Other's 2 Miss Me But I WiLL Always Drop My Msgs into their Inbox to Show: I StiLL "Love & Remember" them, with or without Their Love...

wen d Sky looks blue
when d dreams come true
when d flowers covered wid dew
when d day comes new

U are TOO far away 4rm me,
that why I have to shout:


did u hear that?

U may find some1
better than me,
important than me,
dearer than me,
but not the 1
who miss you more than me..

I miss your joy and laughter
I miss your company
you r an inspiration 2 me
you r my muse, my mentor
I miss your smile.

I Miss U wen u r Not Near Me
I Long 2 Hear ur Steps, That's By Far
D Melodious Music My Ears Await Everyday

I think
time is nt imp
I just wana say

wnevr u miss me dn’t look 4 me in ur dream
dn’t try 2 hear my voice in ur mobile
just put ur right hand in ur heart and u will feel me in ur hrt

Do u know where u live?
, -. .- .
" . "

And U do not pay rent

wnevr u miss some1, look at d sky all thou u will not see d person there. But feel happy that u too r under d same sky.

Mess Yo…… I Mis uo….. I Mmis Yoo….. I Miiss Yuu….. May Be I Didn’t know How To Write It But U made me know How To Feel It

Missing 1 when U r alone is not affection... but thinking of 1 even when you r busy is called real affection...

Being near is not d Meaning of being dear, I may b far from U, but messages r Bridges 2 make U feel that I always remember U ....

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