Mandela on Leading from Behind.

   Many people talk about leading from the front. Nelson Mandela points out that you must put others first. You always highlight what your subordinates are doing and how well they are doing it. That’s true leadership.
   Nelson Mandela does know that there are times you have to take the lead. When you are going into a bad situation, that’s when you put others in the passenger seat and take charge. The best thing you can do as a leader, is take all the heat and take none of the praise.
   Ray Kroc built the McDonald’s empire on his standards. Whether he meant to or not, he built an entire multi-billion dollar industry in fast food. You pave the way for success or failure with the standards you set.
   You must continue to learn. Never forget that you had to learn a lot before you were a leader. Your people will give you ideas. Don’t just accommodate them by hearing them. Listen and take into account those words. You might learn some new things.

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