Cesare Pavese

     If you want to be happy, or you want to be wise, you have to change continually. Every success story centers around a person who made changes. Whether it’s the Silicon Valley era, the oil tycoons, or the Medieval warrior-kings, change is what made the difference for all the major players throughout history.

   Freud’s most prized pupil, Jung prided himself on discovering the different parts of the human psyche that were a more “appropriate” explanation of the human mind than Freud could observe. He changed the game because he accepted that times were changing. Freud’s crude language of the stages would not be widely accepted. Jung’s accomplishments made Freud more palatable to the world, making them both relevant today.

   Nobody will tell you that change is easy. It’s not easy in any sense, but especially on your mentality and your psyche. You have to challenge the very fibers of your being to convince yourself that this new change will be worth it. The new step that you’ll take will make the difference in your life that you want.

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